Notes From the Pastor's Desk

September 17, 2023

Last Things

Photo of Pastor Walker Reading the Bible

Last things are usually very important. For instance, when a person dies, if their mind is stable and capable, the last words they say will be very important words to those who are around him. The "last things" of the Bible are also very important. Let's look a some of them.

I. The Last Presentation

(Rev. 22:16). This is the last presentation of who Jesus really is. Christ is presented in two ways. First, he is called "The Root and Offspring of David." Jesus is of the line of King David, for one day He will sit upon an earthly throne (Matt. 1). He is called the "Bright and Morning Star" for His coming is like the morning star that begins a bright new day.

II. The Last Invitation

(Rev. 22:17). This last invitation is issued by the Holy Spirit and the bride (the church). The bride of course refers to the bride of Christ, the church of the living God. We should not be slack in our invitations to sinners. The Holy Spirit is constantly active at inviting sinners to come,repent, believe and be saved.

III. The Last Admonition

(Rev. 22:18-19). It is dangerous to reject the final Word of God to man which is found in the Bible. When we reject the Bible we reject the God of the Scriptures. No one is to "add to" the Word of God and no one is to "subtract from" the Word of God. The one who does so intentionally is not a Bible believer.

IV. The Last Petition

(Rev. 22:20). That petition involves the coming of the Lord. Jesus said He would come quickly, thus John says, "Even so come Lord Jesus." The Apostle John did not want the Lord to delay His coming, instead he wanted the Lord to come immediately. Christ could not come too soon for him.

V. The Last Benediction

(Rev. 22:21). There is an acknowledgement "the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all." It is a joy to know that we have saving grace, keeping grace, sustaining grace, and even one day dying grace. We will face troublesome times in these last days but we can deal with them by grace. Also, there is an agreement. The word "Amen" means "it is so" or "so be it." When you think about the coming of the Lord, and enjoying His grace until He comes, it should bring forth glorious "amens" from our lips. May the last things fall into place just as our Lord would have them be!